Beyond Words - Rupi Kaur 15 Second Version

Rupi Kaur discovered her passion for writing long before she started her Arts program at Waterloo. But it was as a busy co-op student with a growing set of skills and insights that she pushed herself to write, design and self-publish milk and honey. With her social media savvy, the poetry collection sold a staggering 17,000 copies before it was picked up by a publisher and quickly summited bestseller lists. Kaur’s success goes beyond words and speaks volumes to the complex experiences of young women today.

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Videos titled Beyond Words - Rupi Kaur 15 Second Version are published by Channel uwaterloo with Channel ID UCX70KmT8XPnFbSXOP6tz0Vw on 27 03 2017 - 14:34:41

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  • Recensione "Milk & Honey" (Rupi Kaur) ITA

    Ecco la seconda recensione del canale, si sono un attimino sballati i ritmi a causa della mia connessione da strapazzo :/ Spero comunque che il video, seppur irriverente e facilmente criticabile...

    THANKS FOR WTCHING HEY ALL, this is my first time doing a book review and I decided to do it because this book has really changed Me and helped me with this journey of a break up.

    THANKS FOR WTCHING HEY ALL, this is my first time doing a book review and I decided to do it because this book has really changed Me and helped me with this journey of a break up.


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